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Flourishing Faith: With Therapy

Updated: Jan 27, 2022

It's okay to know Jesus and seek therapy. Recently I've noticed a lot of Christians who portray having flawless faith but beyond the scriptures and their faith are the tears and terrors that sometimes keeps them up at night. It harbors bad thoughts and keeps them from being able to communicate effectively. It robs them of their joy and peace at mind.

The trauma pattern usually begins when the person was a child and increases from what they heard, saw, or how they were treated. The haunting memories of losing a loved one in violence or due to health issues, the sorrow from hearing ugly words from family members who abused their authority. Smiling confessing their Christianity in front of others but behind closed doors drowning in doubt, living in torment and reliving their mistakes and afraid of what the future holds.

Today I want to encourage you to continue walking in the liberty of Christ. Cleanse your heart repent of any sin and put on the full armor of God according to Ephesians 6:13-17. Just because you are forgiven does not mean you will not be attacked with the feeling of guilt and shame however we know that according to Romans 8:1 That there is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. Who are or what are you walking after today?

We can always cast our care on God according to 1 Peter 5:7 and when you are in those stages of frustration you can call someone who is licensed and specializes in giving wisdom from a outside perspective. Proverbs 11:14 says

"Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety." Having a godly perspective when faced with difficult times or even simple things can offer safety and wisdom.

Licensed therapist and counselors who specialize in the area of mental health can help you with navigating how to respond to adverse situations and circumstances. Please consider seeking either of them at your own discretion one who offers a free trial is BetterHelp. If that is not a option I hope that God will provide a safe place for you in His presence and through fellowship with other believers.

May the peace of God rule in your hearts and mind as you transform and renew your mind!

Until Next Time,


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