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Flourishing Faith: While Healing

Healing starts the moment you accept the truth.

For many of us the root of healing starts with the genesis of what caused the wounds to appear. It could be childhood traumatic experiences, hostile living environments, toxic relationships and unhealthy expectations placed on you at a young age. As you got older the outside pressures and expectations of life began to bat you. Your appearance. Your achievements. Your financial obligations. Being overlooked & rejected.

Your love life. Not being heard, loved properly or appreciated. Manipulated. Cheated on. Abused. Heartbroken.

Friends I have been there and have made several visits down brokenhearted lane. It's dark, it can

be cold and it can feel like there is no end. But can I encourage you to understand that you are not alone? Psalms 34:18 The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit.

I love this Psalm because it reminds me of God's sovereignty and how nothing we experience here on earth can separate us from Him. He is close to us in our brokenness. That's a comforting feeling to know that the God of the universe, the Mighty One is close to us. I pray despite how you feel that you are encouraged with this knowledge. I can't tell you how to cope with heartbreak but I can suggest you to the one who Psalm 147:3 says He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. You know we cannot always choose what happens to us in life but we can choose how we respond.

Healing begins with accepting the truth and the truth is you are made whole in Christ. Also it's recognizing that you are capable of growing and moving on to better. I want to encourage you to journal and spend some time reflecting on what has brought you to this point and bring it to God in prayer.

Should you ever find yourself in a place where you need godly counsel book a free consultation this day moving forward we are choosing to heal.

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